Sunday, May 17, 2020

Breathalyzer Ignition Interlock System - 1496 Words

B. Main Body A breathalyzer ignition interlock device which is an electronic device that is used to measure and test the blood alcohol content in a person’s blood stream before allowing for a vehicle’s ignition system to be started up. Essentially it is a device that is installed in a vehicles dashboard and before the vehicle can be started up, the driver must breathe into the device. If the analysed result is over a programmed predetermined blood alcohol concentration that has been preset into the breathalyzer ignition interlock, the car would not start. This device will also keep a record of the activity on the device and is interlocked with the vehicles electrical system as an anti-tampering, security and monitoring feature. The flow of the breathalyzer ignition interlock is demonstrated in the flow chart in Figure 3 and the block diagram in Figure 3. Figure 3 – Flowchart of Process Flow for Breathalyzer Ignition Interlock Figure 4 – Block Diagram of Process Flow in Breathalyser Ignition Interlock Start Test Result Initiate a 5 minute time delay Request for Sample Breath Vehicle Ignition System Starts After 30 minutes with engines running Requests for another breath sample Buzzer (Alarm) and LED (Signal Lights) Activates Activities Logged for Record End Test Result Failed Passed Failed Passed The study of alcohol as an academic experiment can be traced back to the 1700s when J.J. Plenc proposed the chemical identification of poisons (Center for Studies of Law in Action,Show MoreRelatedWe Must Install Breathalyzers in Cars Essay1032 Words   |  5 PagesWhy do we need breathalyzers in our cars? Well, it could just save your life and the lives of others. 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